Monday, May 27, 2019

Are hurricanes getting worse or not?

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Some scientists argue that global warming is making hurricanes stronger, or more numerous, or both. Others disagree and there is a great scientific debate over this question.

On the physics side, hurricanes are formed by a combination of factors. Sea surface temperature is just one of these, so it is not certain that simply raising global temperatures a bit will increase hurricanes, either in number or in strength. These other factors include wind, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, among others.

Note too that on the physics side even how to measure the strength of a hurricane is a matter of debate. The simple Category system uses maximum wind speed, but this only occurs in a few small places within a hurricane, and it may be quite temporary. Some scientists argue that total energy is a better measure, but it is not directly observable, while wind speed is.

Moreover, prior to modern times there was no way to measure the wind speed of most hurricanes. This is especially true for hurricanes that do not come to land, which is most of them.

On the data side the problem is that we do not have good historical data. Before the satellite era, which is quite recent, many hurricanes occurred out in the oceans that we never knew of. This is especially true for the vast Pacific Ocean. If we do not know how many hurricanes there used to be there is no way to tell if their number is increasing.

So data on the number of hurricanes is incomplete. Even in the case of known hurricanes we have very little accurate data on their strength. For this reason the debate over hurricanes and global warming is largely a debate over the interpretation of incomplete historical data.

Help build the Climate Change Debate Education project:

Are hurricanes getting worse or not? (With GS link)

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Some scientists argue that global warming is making hurricanes stronger, or more numerous, or both. Others disagree and there is a great scientific debate over this question.

On the physics side, hurricanes are formed by a combination of factors. Sea surface temperature is just one of these, so it is not certain that simply raising global temperatures a bit will increase hurricanes, either in number or in strength. These other factors include wind, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, among others.

Note too that on the physics side even how to measure the strength of a hurricane is a matter of debate. The simple Category system uses maximum wind speed, but this only occurs in a few small places within a hurricane, and it may be quite temporary. Some scientists argue that total energy is a better measure, but it is not directly observable, while wind speed is.

Moreover, prior to modern times there was no way to measure the wind speed of most hurricanes. This is especially true for hurricanes that do not come to land, which is most of them.

On the data side the problem is that we do not have good historical data. Before the satellite era, which is quite recent, many hurricanes occurred out in the oceans that we never knew of. This is especially true for the vast Pacific Ocean. If we do not know how many hurricanes there used to be there is no way to tell if their number is increasing.

So data on the number of hurricanes is incomplete. Even in the case of known hurricanes we have very little accurate data on their strength. For this reason the debate over hurricanes and global warming is largely a debate over the interpretation of incomplete historical data.

Google Scholar searches the research on scientific questions like this. Here is some of the research since 2018:

Help build the Climate Change Debate Education project:

Are we coming out of the Little Ice Age?

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

It is generally agreed that global warming is at least partly natural, not due to humans. The scientific question is how much is natural and this is a matter of great debate. One of the natural causes is "emerging from the Little Ice Age" which happened a few hundred years ago. There is strong evidence for the existence of both a Medieval Warming Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA), but there is still room for debate.

On the data side, the problem is that there were no thermometers during most of the time in question, which goes back 1000 years or more. For much of the world there are not even written records, especially in the early centuries.  Even after the thermometer was invented, there were not enough measurements for us to estimate global temperatures until around 1850. Estimates of global temperatures before then are based on indirect evidence, or what are called proxies for temperatures.

So some scientists argue that the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) and The Little Ice Age (LIA) simply did not exist on a global scale. They contend that the evidence for warm and cool periods is merely regional, not global, confined to Europe for example. Other scientists disagree, arguing that the MWP and LIA were truly global.

This is the issue of how much climate changes naturally, or what is called natural variability. If the MWP and LIA are real then climate has varied naturally in relatively recent times. If so then the warming we have seen might be natural. If the MWP and LIA did not exist then it is less likely that the recent warming is natural.

Even if the MWP was global, there is also the issue of how warm it was. That is, is today's warming unique or not? Some scientists argue that the MWP was even warmer than today. Others think it was not nearly as warm as today. Thus, much of the debate over the MWP and LIA is about the interpretation of inconclusive data, especially proxy data. Getting better data is a major research area.

On the physics side, and assuming the MWP and LIA are real, there is the question what difference it makes? That is, is whatever caused the MWP and LIA also causing the recent global warming? Here too scientists are divided. Some argue that our global warming is part of the natural MWP-LIA cycle. Others argue that it is not, that our warming is primarily due to human activity. The problem is that we are not sure what caused the MWP and LIA. This too is a matter of debate, and research.

Are we coming out of the Little Ice Age? (With GS links)

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

It is generally agreed that global warming is at least partly natural, not due to humans. The scientific question is how much is natural and this is a matter of great debate. One of the natural causes is "emerging from the Little Ice Age" which happened a few hundred years ago. There is strong evidence for the existence of both a Medieval Warming Period (MWP) and the Little Ice Age (LIA), but there is still room for debate.

On the data side, the problem is that there were no thermometers during most of the time in question, which goes back 1000 years or more. For much of the world there are not even written records, especially in the early centuries.  Even after the thermometer was invented, there were not enough measurements for us to estimate global temperatures until around 1850. Estimates of global temperatures before then are based on indirect evidence, or what are called proxies for temperatures.

So some scientists argue that the Medieval Warming Period (MWP) and The Little Ice Age (LIA) simply did not exist on a global scale. They contend that the evidence for warm and cool periods is merely regional, not global, confined to Europe for example. Other scientists disagree, arguing that the MWP and LIA were truly global.

This is the issue of how much climate changes naturally, or what is called natural variability. If the MWP and LIA are real then climate has varied naturally in relatively recent times. If so then the warming we have seen might be natural. If the MWP and LIA did not exist then it is less likely that the recent warming is natural.

Even if the MWP was global, there is also the issue of how warm it was. That is, is today's warming unique or not? Some scientists argue that the MWP was even warmer than today. Others think it was not nearly as warm as today. Thus, much of the debate over the MWP and LIA is about the interpretation of inconclusive data, especially proxy data. Getting better data is a major research area.

On the physics side, and assuming the MWP and LIA are real, there is the question what difference it makes? That is, is whatever caused the MWP and LIA also causing the recent global warming? Here too scientists are divided. Some argue that our global warming is part of the natural MWP-LIA cycle. Others argue that it is not, that our warming is primarily due to human activity. The problem is that we are not sure what caused the MWP and LIA. This too is a matter of debate, and research.

Google Scholar searches the world of science. Here is a search on "Little Ice Age" research since 2018 to see what the recent research looks like. There is a lot.,5

Here is a search on recent research on the medieval warm period:

Is the sun causing global warming?

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Some scientists argue that global warming is primarily due to natural variations in solar activity. Others think that global warming is primarily due to human activity, so there is a great debate over the sun's role in global warming. Given that the sun warms the earth it is easy to see that changes in solar activity might cause global warming, (or global cooling).

The sun is not constant. In fact it changes frequently and in many different ways. The debate is over whether any of these changes affect global temperature and if so how?

On the data side, there has sometimes been a strong correlation between indicators of solar activity, such as sunspots, and estimates of global temperature. This is the primary basis for thinking that changes in solar activity have caused some or all of the global warming. However, sometimes that correlation has not been strong, so the data is inconclusive. Additional data is being collected and this is a big research area.

On the physics side, the problem is that we can measure the changes in direct energy input from the sun, and these changes may not be large enough to explain the estimated global warming. Therefore, scientists are looking for other, indirect ways in which solar activity might change global temperatures.

The sun affects the earth in many ways besides simply providing direct energy, so a number of hypotheses have been proposed. This too is an active research area.

In the meantime, on the data side some of the indicators are changing in such a way that some scientists think that global cooling will now occur, not global warming. This too is now part of the scientific debate.

Is the sun causing global warming? (With GS link)

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal
To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Some scientists argue that global warming is primarily due to natural variations in solar activity. Others think that global warming is primarily due to human activity, so there is a great debate over the sun's role in global warming. Given that the sun warms the earth it is easy to see that changes in solar activity might cause global warming, (or global cooling).

The sun is not constant. In fact it changes frequently and in many different ways. The debate is over whether any of these changes affect global temperature and if so how?

On the data side, there has sometimes been a strong correlation between indicators of solar activity, such as sunspots, and estimates of global temperature. This is the primary basis for thinking that changes in solar activity have caused some or all of the global warming. However, sometimes that correlation has not been strong, so the data is inconclusive. Additional data is being collected and this is a big research area.

On the physics side, the problem is that we can measure the changes in direct energy input from the sun, and these changes may not be large enough to explain the estimated global warming. Therefore, scientists are looking for other, indirect ways in which solar activity might change global temperatures.

The sun affects the earth in many ways besides simply providing direct energy, so a number of hypotheses have been proposed. This too is an active research area.

In the meantime, on the data side some of the indicators are changing in such a way that some scientists think that global cooling will now occur, not global warming. This too is now part of the scientific debate.

To see the recent science, try this Google Scholar search: "solar influence on climate change" research since 2018. There are almost 30,000 research papers, which show how active this research question really is. At this point we simply do not understand what role the sun may be playing in global warming.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Videos by Richard Lindzen

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal
To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Videos 1 to 10 minutes long

Green House Gas is Not the Problem
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
9 years ago 1,592 views 1 minute

Climate Models are Like Ouija Boards
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
9 years ago 2,176 views 1 minute

The Warmest Decade on Record
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
9 years ago 4,985 views 2 minutes

Richard Lindzen Explanation of Global Temperature Anomaly
5 years ago 806 views 3 minutes
Excerpt from MIT Professor Richard Lindzen at the 2010 Heartland Institute International Conference on Climate Change .

MIT Professor Richard Lindzen On the Corruption of Climate Science
The New Criterion
3 years ago 33,509 views 3 minutes

Professor Lindzen tutors Tim Yeo
5 years ago 20,733 views 3 minutes

Richard Lindzen Copenhagen Climate Conference
The Auto Channel
9 years ago 4,393 views 4 minutes

The experts explain the global warming myth: Richard Lindzen
9 years ago 14,270 views 4 minutes

Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?
3 years ago 1,898,963 views 5 minutes

Global Greta vs MIT scientist Richard Lindzen
John Doe
3 weeks ago 328 views 5 minutes

Bill Nye Debates Richard Lindzen On Climate Change
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 15,698 views 5 minutes

The Bolt Report with Richard Lindzen
Mick Field
4 months ago 240 views 5 minutes

James Shaw and Bolt report Richard Lindzen
Mick Field
4 months ago 94 views 5 minutes

Richard Lindzen/Prager U - Version doublée en français.
Jacques Duran
2 years ago 7,016 views 5 minutes
Version doublée en français de la présentation de Richard Lindzen "Changement climatique.

Why you should not worry
8 years ago 32,004 views 5 minutes

Larry King: Bill Nye vs. Richard Lindzen
Michael Henshaw
12 years ago 234,687 views 8 minutes

Larry King Live: Bill Nye vs. Richard Lindzen
The Center for Investigative Reporting
7 years ago 3,671 views 6 minutes

MIT Climatologist Richard Lindzen on the Politics of Global Warming
10 years ago 36,139 views 9 minutes

Global Warming Debate - Richard Lindzen, part 2 of 10
Othniel Harris
12 years ago 52,848 views 9 minutes
Other parts feature other speakers.

Richard Lindzen interview radio clip 2nd July 2009 (WRKO AM680 Boston's Talking Station)
9 years ago 1,007 views 10 minutes

11 to 20 minutes

Is Science Progressing? (Featuring Richard Lindzen)
The Cato Institute
5 years ago 15,551 views 12 minutes

Climate Scientist Prof Lindzen on Climate Sensitivity Part 1
4 years ago 1,759 views 13 minutes

Climate Scientist Prof Lindzen on Climate Sensitivity Part 2
4 years ago 1,503 views 12 minutes

 Climate Scientist Prof Lindzen on Climate Sensitivity Part 3
4 years ago 1,051 views 13 minutes

Climate Scientist Prof Lindzen on Climate Sensitivity Part 4
4 years ago 1,283 views 11 minutes

Richard Lindzen Pans Global Warming Hysteria at Schools
6 years ago 16,237 views 14 minutes

Professor Richard Lindzen on the carbon tax
8 years ago 5,580 views 14 minutes
6 April 2011 Chris Smith speaks to Richard Lindzen,

Richard Lindzen on the State of Climate Science
8 years ago 17,276 views 14 minutes

Professor Richard Lindzen on 2GB with Alan Jones
7 years ago 3,685 views 15 minutes
Tuesday, 17 May 2011, Alan Jones speaks to Professor Richard Lindzen about the launch of the Galileo Movement and campaign against the carbon tax.

21 to 30 minutes

MIT on Chaos and Climate: Atmospheric Dynamics
Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences MIT
1 year ago 1,804 views 23 minutes
MIT on Chaos and Climate is a two-day centenary celebration of Jule Charney and Ed Lorenz.

Government Science Monopoly
RealClear Radio Hour
3 years ago 5,503 views 24 minutes

Richard Lindzen ICCC3
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 505 views 27 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Third International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-3) took place in June 2009 in Washington, DC.

31 to 40 minutes

Richard Lindzen Question & Answer ‌‌ - Lee Doren
9 years ago 9,177 views 33 minutes

Richard Lindzen: Q&A
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 733 views 33 minutes

Richard Lindzen at International Conference on Climate Change
The Auto Channel
9 years ago 12,231 views 34 minutes
Richard Lindzen talks about the problems with global warming alarmists.

Ep. 84 - Bitterly Cold Global Warming ft. Richard Lindzen
Michael Knowles
1 year ago 299 views 36 minutes

41 to 50 minutes

Richard Lindzen: How Real Of A Threat Is Global Warming?
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 9,732 views 48 minutes

Climate change: Fact or fiction? Head to Head
Ima Lavine
1 year ago 615 views 48 minutes

Climate change: Fact or fiction? | Head to Head
Al Jazeera English
3 years ago 213,563 views 48 minutes

Classic Lecture on Climate Sensitivity by Professor Emeritus Richard Lindzen
1 year ago 16,098 views 49 minutes

MIT Professor Richard Lindzen: Climate Models vs. Measured Values
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 10,025 views 49 minutes
Mannheim, 10th April 2014

Prof. Richard Lindzen: Aufrichtige Wissenschaft? Klimamodelle vs. gemessene Werte
EIKE - Europäisches Institut für Klima und Energie
4 years ago 11,411 views 49 minutes

51 to 60 minutes

Richard Lindzen ICCC4
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 14,471 views 52 minutes

Richard Lindzen at 4th International Conference on Climate Change
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 3,651 views 52 minutes

Deconstructing Global Warming - Richard Lindzen
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 7,841 views 53 minutes

Richard Lindzen "Deconstructing Global Warming"
Rathnakumar S
3 years ago 2,564 views 53 minutes
Deconstructing Global Warming Competitive Enterprise Institute October 26, 2009.

Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria ‌‌ - Lee Doren
9 years ago 21,104 views 53 minutes

Richard Lindzen, Ph.D. Lecture Deconstructs Global Warming Hysteria (High Quality Version)
9 years ago 54,573 views 53 minutes

Climate I: Is The Debate Over?
The Agenda with Steve Paikin
9 years ago 164,003 views 53 minutes

Richard Lindzen "Global Warming Alarmism: Science in the Public Square"
Rathnakumar S
3 years ago 4,894 views 56 minutes
Global Warming Alarmism: Science in the Public Square 30th Annual DDP Meeting July 29, 2012

2018 Annual GWPF Lecture - Prof Richard Lindzen - Global Warming For The Two Cultures
7 months ago 27,586 views 56 minutes

Global Warming, Lysenkoism & Eugenics - Prof Richard Lindzen
3 years ago 44,307 views 56 minutes
Climate Scientist Prof Lindzen gives his take on the climate 'debate'.

Global Warming, Lysenkoism & Eugenics Prof Richard Lindzen
In Home OutDoors
2 months ago 137 views 56 minutes

Richard Lindzen: Climate Alarm
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 8,726 views 60 minutes

61 to 70 minutes


71 to 80 minutes


81 to 90 minutes


91 to 100 minutes

Debate: Global Warming- Krauss, Schrag, Molina vs Lindzen, Lowson, Happer- CDI 2017
1 year ago 14,588 views 95 minutes

IQ2US Debate: Global Warming Is Not A Crisis
Rathnakumar S
4 years ago 72,054 views 100 minutes

101 to 110


111 to 120

Experts Debate Climate Change Science, Policy
University of Virginia School of Law
8 years ago 36,061 views 114 minutes
Professors Andrew Dessler from Texas A&M and Richard Lindzen from MIT debate.

Videos by Roy Spencer

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal
To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Videos 1 to 10 minutes long

Dr. Roy Spencer on climate change consensus: 'all skeptics... are part of that 97 percent'
3 years ago 770 views 2 minutes
Testifying before the US Senate.

Meteorologist: Climate change not causing more hurricanes
Fox News
8 months ago 21,814 views 3 minutes
Former NASA scientist Dr. Roy Spencer says that the number of major hurricanes making landfall in the U.S. has actually fallen.

Roy Spencer - Fox Business - Varney - 9-7-2017
Stagepost Live Shot Guests
1 year ago 546 views 4 minutes
Roy Spencer visits StagePost Studios to join Stuart Varney in discussing global warming.

Dr. Roy Spencer on the so called Climate Change Consensus
1 year ago 1,390 views 4 minutes

Dr. Roy Spencer Speech at Senate Climate Change Hearing
5 years ago 10,328 views 6 minutes

Dr. Roy Spencer: 97% Concensus is Bogus
Notes For Space Cadets
1 year ago 377 views 6 minutes

Dr. Roy Spencer Climate Change Challenge - 97% consensus hoax
Clovis Star
2 years ago 2,848 views 7 minutes

John Stossel - Global Warming Superstars
3 years ago 48,376 views 7 minutes
Climatologist Roy Spencer weighs in on the climate claims of Bill Nye, Al Gore and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

John Stossel - Blinded With Science
9 years ago 26,996 views 7 minutes
John Stossel and Climatologist Roy Spencer look at the junk science used by politicians and others to distort reality.

Why The Global Warming Agenda Is Wrong
Encounter Books
7 years ago 217,894 views 9 minutes

11 to 20 minutes

Roy Spencer (Panel 1) - ICCC9 July 8, 2014
The Heartland Institute
4 years ago 1,309 views 11 minutes
Roy Spencer presents 'The Role of El Nino in Ocean Warming Since the 1950s'.

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 1 of 6
10 years ago 9,008 views 11 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 2 of 6
10 years ago 4,431 views 11 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 3 of 6
10 years ago 3,364 views 11 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 4 of 6
10 years ago 3,289 views 11 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 5 of 6
10 years ago 2,701 views 11 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer on Global Warming Part 6 of 6
10 years ago 2,619 views 10 minutes

Climate Scientist Roy Spencer - The UAH MSU Dataset
3 years ago 6,165 views 12 minutes
Climate Scientist Roy Spencer details how the UAH MSU data-set is obtained. Recorded at the 10th ICCC on the 12th June, 2015.

Guest Roy Spencer on the 15 year absence of global warming
5 years ago 5,650 views 12 minutes

Roy Spencer Gets Frederick Seitz Memorial Award - America First Energy Conference 2018
The Heartland Institute
9 months ago 388 views 13 minutes
The Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), founded by S. Fred Singer, present the Frederick Seitz Memorial Award.

Roy Spencer, ICCC10 (Panel 2: Turning Sound Science into Sound Policy)
The Heartland Institute
3 years ago 2,156 views 13 minutes
Roy Spencer presents "New UAH Global Temperature Data Sets” at the Tenth International Conference on Climate Change.

John Stossel - Climate Change & Global Greening
6 years ago 29,121 views 13 minutes
Climatologist Roy Spencer, NASA scientist Gavin Schmidt and scientific journalist Matt Ridley are John's guests.

Global Warming - Dr. Gavin Schmidt Versus Dr. Roy Spencer
6 years ago 32,693 views 14 minutes

Climatologist Roy Spencer - The Bias in Climate Science
9 months ago 50,241 views 15 minutes

New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
Yoko Engler
1 year ago 433 views 15 minutes
Dr Roy Spencer interviewed by Chris Smith of radio station 2GB Sydney on Friday 29 , 2017.

Roy Spencer on Panel 3: Why CO2 Emissions Are Not Creating a Climate Crisis
The Heartland Institute
9 months ago 13,408 views 15 minutes

Roy Spencer ICCC4
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 272 views 18 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-4) took place in May 2010 in Chicago, Illinois.

ACTUAL SCIENTIST: "2017 Hurricanes Aren't Because of Climate Change"
1 year ago 286,018 views 20 minutes

Roy Spencer, ICCC2
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 203 views 20 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Second International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-2), took place March 8-9, 2009, in New York.

21 to 30 minutes

Global Warming Climate Change Hoax Dr Roy Spencer
Peter Grimm
4 years ago 1,844 views 21 minutes
A speech that argues climate change is not a man-made event.

Grand Solar Minimum Primer: Dr. Roy Spencer - What do we really know about global warming? #5/10
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
1 year ago 28,097 views 22 minutes

Global Warming Con Scam-Dr. Roy Spencer PhD
Sangstar1 Videos Presentations TruthResearchers
1 year ago 2,182 views 22 minutes

Roy Spencer Keynote - ICCC9 July 9, 2014
The Heartland Institute
4 years ago 11,140 views 22 minutes

Climate Scientist: Global Warming for Dummies and Activists
4 years ago 76,349 views 24 minutes

Dr. Roy Spencer, (Real) Climate Change Presentation! (2018 Data Chart)
Dark Age Ramblings
5 months ago 1,815 views 24 minutes
Dr. Roy Spencer ICCC Presentation from July 9th, 2014. A middle ground view on climate change with a healthy dose of humor.

31 to 40 minutes

Roy Spencer: Climate Change should we be worried
Bayliss Public Library, a Superior District Library
5 years ago 1,906 views 37 minutes

Roy Spencer ICCC3
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 413 views 39 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Third International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-3) took place in June 2009 in Washington, DC.

41 to 50 minutes

Roy Spencer ICCC1
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 315 views 42 minutes
The Heartland Institute's First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-1) took place in March 2008 in New York City.

51 to 60 minutes

Roy Spencer - Global Warming: One Scientist's View of the Science and Policy.
9 years ago 6,707 views 51 minutes
IHMC Florida Institute for Human Machine Cognition 2005 Evening Lecture Series.

Interview with Dr. Roy Spencer
Sanctuary Church Newfoundland, PA
1 year ago 353 views 55 minutes
This interview was taken from The King's Report broadcasted on September 12, 2017.

61 to 70 minutes

Dr Roy Spencer" Coolest September in a Decade "+0.14 C/ Record snow in Calgary/Gsm News
Grand Solar Minimum GSM News
Streamed 7 months ago 2,947 views 62 minutes
Globally, the coolest September in the last 10 years.

Scott Denning v. Roy Spencer Debate ICCC6
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 22,033 views 63 minutes

Videos by Patrick Michaels

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Videos 1 to 10 minutes long

Pat Michaels scene from the movie "Sizzle"
Shifting baselines
9 years ago 1,229 views 2 minutes
Randy Olson's interview with Pat Michaels from the movie, "Sizzle: A Global Warming Comedy."

Cato Institute's Patrick Michaels rebuts myths about catastrophic global warming
John Locke Foundation
6 years ago 518 views 2 minutes

'Less than nothing': Climate scientist slams China, India's Paris pledges to fight global warming
2 years ago 1,066 views 2 minutes
Congressional testimony

The Insanity of Climate Alarmism
The Heartland Institute
11 months ago 9,207 views 3 minutes

Global warming interview of Dr. Michaels
11 years ago 537 views 3 minutes
Deborah Cox-Roush Interviews Dr Pat Michaels on the effects of global warming.

Pat Michaels on Fox News
The Cato Institute
10 years ago 1,197 views 3 minutes

Is Al Gore Misrepresenting Global Warming? - Patrick Michaels
10 years ago 15,089 views 4 minutes

Cato Institute's Pat Michaels explains the problems associated with cap-and-trade proposals
John Locke Foundation
7 years ago 350 views 4 minutes

Patrick Michaels on Joe Kernan vs Sheryl Crow & Laurie David
12 years ago 4,628 views 5 minutes

Patrick J. Michaels discusses Climategate on CNN
The Cato Institute
9 years ago 43,208 views 6 minutes

Patrick J. Michaels on Climate Change
The Cato Institute
10 years ago 13,359 views 6 minutes

Cato Institute's Dr. Patrick Michaels, PhD on the Pope & Climate Change
The Daily Ledger
3 years ago 723 views 7 minutes

WMAL Washington
7 years ago 111 views 8 minutes

Patrick J. Michaels on global warming
Rob Nikolewski
7 years ago 653 views 8 minutes

Cato's Patrick Michaels assesses current state of climate debate
John Locke Foundation
1 year ago 4,212 views 9 minutes

Patrick J. Michaels Talks About Global Warming's Invasion of Our Government and Our Lives
The Cato Institute
8 years ago 3,623 views 10 minutes

Dr. Michaels on Global Warming Pt.1
11 years ago 1,913 views 10 minutes

Dr. Michaels on Global Warming Pt.3
11 years ago 799 views 8 minutes

11 to 20 minutes

Michael Savage Interviews Patrick J Michaels Global Warming is a Fraud Part 1 of 2 11/30/09
6 years ago 98 views 11 minutes

Michael Savage Interviews Patrick J Michaels Global Warming is a Fraud Part 2 of 2 11/30/09
6 years ago 55 views 4 minutes

John Stossel - Weather Myths
5 years ago 14,362 views 11 minutes
Panel discussion

Dr. Patrick Michaels -- Global Warming -- Part 1
Calaveras Taxpayers
8 years ago 286 views 13 minutes

Dr. Patrick Michaels -- Global Warming -- Part 2
Calaveras Taxpayers
8 years ago 113 views 13 minutes

Dr. Patrick Michaels -- Global Warming -- Part 4
8 years ago 88 views 12 minutes

The truth about global warming
Fox News
6 months ago 1,288,680 views 14 minutes

Pat Michaels ICCC3
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 171 views 14 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Third International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-3) took place in June 2009 in Washington, DC.

Pat Michaels ICCC6
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 104 views 15 minutes

Patrick Michaels, ICCC10 (Panel 1: Climate Science)
The Heartland Institute
3 years ago 2,013 views 17 minutes

Patrick Michaels ICCC7
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 383 views 18 minutes

21 to 30 minutes

Patrick Michaels Keynote - ICCC9 July 8, 2014
The Heartland Institute
4 years ago 2,624 views 21 minutes

Patrick J. Michaels, ICCC-12 (Keynote Vacating the Endangerment Finding)
The Heartland Institute
2 years ago 2,881 views 28 minutes

31 to 40 minutes

Patrick Michaels | Cato's Climate Contrarian on Science & Markets | One Road Podcast
One Road Research
5 months ago 416 views 32 minutes

Episode 7: Just How Accurate are Climate Models? Dr. Patrick J. Michaels
Cameron Talks Science
2 years ago 489 views 37 minutes

Climatologist Dr. Patrick Michaels - Life, Liberty & Levin - Fox News - October 21, 2018
Clark Destry
2 months ago 515 views 37 minutes

Climate Change Hysteria Debunked by Top Expert IPCC Climatologist - Dr. Patrick Michaels
5 months ago 1,965 views 37 minutes
Mark Levin interviews Dr. Patrick J. Michaels

Dr Patrick Michaels: Is Science Trustworthy?
Institute of Public Affairs
4 years ago 8,511 views 38 minutes

Interview with Professor Patrick Michaels
Rathnakumar S
6 months ago 3,507 views 40 minutes
Interview with Professor Patrick Michaels

Patrick Michaels - Keynote ICCC1
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 221 views 40 minutes
The Heartland Institute's First International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-1) took place in March 2008 in New York City.

41 to 50 minutes

Patrick Michaels ICCC4
The Heartland Institute
5 years ago 448 views 41 minutes
The Heartland Institute's Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC-4) took place in May 2010 in Chicago, Illinois.

Free Market Adaptation at the Cato Institute – Dr. Pat Michaels
America Adapts
1 year ago 25 views 49 minutes

Dr. Patrick Michaels at the 2014 Land Investment Expo
5 years ago 263 views 50 minutes

51 to 60 minutes

Man-Made Climate Change is "Absolute Crap" UK TV 1990
3 years ago 16,395 views 52 minutes

Ep 12 Bias in Scientific Research with Patrick J Michaels
Libertarian Videos
2 years ago 21 views 53 minutes

Dr. Pat Michaels Climate Changes: Implications for Agriculture
Kansas State University - Department of Animal Sciences & Industry
5 years ago 156 views 57 minutes

61 to 70 minutes

State of the Climate Debate: Patrick Michaels and Judith Curry
Oberlin College & Conservatory
4 years ago 11,453 views 73 minutes
This debate took place October 1, 2014 at Hallock Auditorium in the A.J. Lewis Center at Oberlin College.

71 to 80 minutes


81 to 90 minutes

Lukewarming – a Discussion with Climate Scientist Patrick Michaels of the Cato Institute
The Heartland Institute
Streamed 2 years ago 12,262 views 81 minutes
Dr. Patrick Michaels of The Cato Institute talks about his new book "Lukewarming" at The Heartland Institute on April 19, 2017.

91 to 100 minutes

Rare Climate Debate - Dr. Judith Curry - Dr. Michael Mann - Dr. Patrick Moore - Dr. David Titley
Oppenheimer Ranch Project
7 months ago 6,976 views 92 minutes

Videos by William Happer

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

Videos 1 to 10 minutes long

Will Happer, Trump Adviser, Loves Climate Science - and CO2
Andrew Revkin
2 months ago 685 views 1 min
Here's an excerpt from a 2017 interview with Will Happer,

Princeton's William Happer explains why CO2 is no pollutant
John Locke Foundation
4 years ago 2,998 views 2 min

Princeton physicist: There’s a ‘cult’ building around climate scientists
Fox Business
2 years ago 50,637 views 4 min
Princeton physics professor William Happer explains why he describes some climate change scientists as a 'cult.'

Can Climate Models Predict Climate Change?
1 year ago 1,277,502 views 5 min
Predicting climate temperatures isn't science – it's science fiction.

Climate Change: The Green Scare
Wall Street Journal
7 years ago 4,495 views 6 min

William Happer EPW Testimony
10 years ago 5,893 views 7 min
Wednesday, February 25, 2009, Update on the Latest Global Warming Science, Testimony of William Happer

Princeton Physics Professor Discredits Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory
The New American Video
2 years ago 16,560 views 7 min

Dr William Happer Destroys Climate Change Hysteria in 7 minutes
Are Hegrand
1 year ago 2,894 views 7 min

Physicist William Happer Schooled The CNBC Crowd On Global Warming
5 years ago 645,775 views 9 min
Wall Street Journal: Harrison H. Schmitt and William Happer: In Defense of Carbon Dioxide ...

11 to 20 minutes


21 to 30 minutes

World In Midst of Carbon Drought (w/ Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)
Conversations That Matter, with Stuart McNish
3 years ago 170,513 views 23 min

Climate Science for the Layman - Professor Happer
3 years ago 28,085 views 23 min

William Happer at UCLA
1 year ago 732 views 24 min
20 min. of the Q & A session after his talk on Carbon Dioxide and Climate Sorry if the audio is a little weak.

31 to 40 minutes

No Cons To Carbon Dioxide! Renowned Princeton Physicist - William Happer, PhD
NPC CuckyHas-been
5 months ago 201 views 31 min

William Happer, ICCC-12 (Keynote: Independence Now)
The Heartland Institute
2 years ago 3,586 views 33 min

William Happer - Climate, an Extraordinary Popular Delusion
2 years ago 54,085 views 33 min

William Happer "Alice in Climateland"
Rathnakumar S
1 year ago 4,655 views 35 min
Alice in Climateland Tenth International Conference on Climate Change Washington, DC June 12, 2015

Inconvenient Lie Day 1 - Will Happer
Christopher Martin
1 year ago 32,906 views 37 min

Global Warming Debunked | William Happer and Stefan Molyneux
Stefan Molyneux
2 years ago 188,746 views 38 min

41 to 50 minutes

The Real Story on Climate Change (What the Government is not Telling you): William Happer, PhD.
ICON Lecture Series
1 year ago 11,135 views 48 min

Princeton's William Happer rebuts myth of carbon pollution
John Locke Foundation
1 year ago 7,535 views 50 min

51 to 60 minutes

William Happer "The Myth of Carbon Pollution"
Rathnakumar S
4 years ago 16,090 views 51 min

Why Has Global Warming Paused? - William Happer
Institute for Advanced Study
3 years ago 7,286 views 53 min
William Happer Princeton University September 27, 2013

Global Warming Debunked William Happer and Stefan Molyneux
Concha Amelia
1 year ago 1,150 views 55 min

61 to 70 minutes


71 to 80 minutes

The Myth of Carbon Pollution
George Marshall Institute
5 years ago 20, 315 views 71 min
On October 15, 2014 Dr. William Happer, Chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute, discussed “The Myth of Carbon Pollution.”

William Happer "CO2: Friend or Foe?"
Rathnakumar S
5 years ago 5,081 views 80 min
CO2 (Carbon Dioxide): Friend or Foe? Physics Department Colloquium University of California Berkeley November 1, 2010

81 to 90 minutes


91 to 100 minutes

Debate: Global Warming- Krauss, Schrag, Molina vs Lindzen, Lowson, Happer- CDI 2017
1 year ago 9,694 views 95 min

About the CCDE Video Collections

Help me build a skeptical climate education portal

To support this project please donate here:

Students and teachers need skeptical science and we plan to deliver it.

There are many on-line sources of alarmist climate change education materials but none for the realistic skeptical view. A recent poll says that many teachers want to teach about the real climate debate, not just the alarmist side. But skeptical teaching materials are scarce, so we propose to build a climate change debate education website, with your help.

These are preliminary collections on their way to becoming part of a comprehensive and searchable database of skeptical videos. At this point each collection is for a specific scientist or other expert and more are coming, as we get funded.

Once the database is up and running all of these collections will be jointly searchable by various tags. We hope to include tags such as title, speaker, length, age, topic, as well format (presentation, interview, debate, etc.). There is a great deal of work to be done.

Most of the present descriptive tags are from YouTube. We hope to add more tags, especially the topic or topics covered by each video, as well as the format of the presentation. In many cases it is impossible to tell the topic from the opaque title.

At this time we are only including videos that feature the speaker the collection is based on. We do include videos that have other speakers, especially debates. We are not including videos about the speaker.

We have listed the videos by their length. For many educational uses length is very important, especially classroom use. For example, short videos may be best for introducing skepticism in the face of alarmist teaching, which we call gate breaking. Videos in the 10-20 minute range are often best for class use. Longer videos can be used for student projects. Some of the many videos in the hour range might be used in student theses.

Where several videos have the same length their order of listing is arbitrary, basically the order in which they were listed. One exception to this listing-by-length rule is when there is a series of videos of different lengths. These are listed in order and located based on the length of the first video.

There are some limitations to each collection, including these:
1. Each collection is probably incomplete. We welcome information about additional videos that meet our criteria for collection.

2. The age tag on each video is from the time it was posted on YouTube (until the time we collected it). This posted time may be very different from the time the video was actually made. Some have been posted years after they were made.

3. There are duplications, where different sources have posted the same video with different titles. The age tags for these duplicates can be years apart. We welcome your help in identifying duplicates. However, duplicates have their uses. For example, the total number of views is the sum of the views of the duplicates. One can also see which source gets more views, etc.

Despite these limitations, there is a lot of history here and a huge amount of content. The events videoed go back over ten years. Some issues have changed over time, but others have not. We plan to do some research on this, especially looking for timeless videos.

After many billions of dollars in climate change research, the big issues are far from settled. If anything the scientific debate today is more intense than ever. So we hope that these collections (and ultimately the searchable database) will help people understand the nature of the debate.

Donations are gratefully accepted. Make them here:

Project Director

Climate Change Debate Education